

点击次数:1928 发布时间:2019-12-16 05:22:50

报告题目:Disease model based on the human neuron network and application to the high throughput screening device -research target of our group under developments 报 告 人:宇理须恒雄(Tsuneo Urisu)教授(日本名古屋大学教授) 报告时间:2015年9月28日 上午9:00 报告地点:太白校区化工学院学术报告厅(214室) 报告摘要:Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are intractable diseases for which neither cause nor reliable treatment method is established. Recently we have developed incubation-type planar patch clamp, by which multi-point ion channel current measurement from neuron network and succeeded in measuring the spontaneous ion-channel current in the primary culture neuron-network of the cerebral cortex of embryonic rat, gestational day 17. In the lecture, we are going to report the recently developed neuron network formation method, spontaneous channel current measurement, Ca imaging characteristics and some future plans. 报告人简介:宇理须恒雄(Tsuneo Urisu)教授,日本纳米医学学会主席,日本纳米科技学会副主席。1973年博士毕业于东京大学化学系,先后就职于日本电报电话公司研究中心、日本分子研究所,现为名古屋大学访问教授。发表论文150余篇,研究领域涉及光通信、硅集成电路、表面科学和生物学。